Spring 2024:
Sundays, 14 January – 24 March
Half term: 18 February
£110 per term,
Partial bursaries available
11:00-11:15 = Registration
11:15-12:05 = Class one
12:20-13:00 = Class two
13:00-13:10 = Pack Up & Sign Out
Bursary applications for Spring 2024 are now open.
Bookings will go on general sale for spring term on Monday 13 November.
Spring term 2024: “Quick-witted tragedy!”
This term will be focussed on things that make you laugh and cry. Students will explore how humour and pathos and switching between them can make your theatrical endeavours richer and more relatable to your audiences.
Students will also look into costume and set design as well as different roles within theatre making such as directing and stage management.
The end of the term will see a short performance for family and friends to showcase the creativity demonstrated over the past ten weeks.
Each group will have two current BOVTS second year students as their main tutors and there will be a Young Artists Manager to supervise the running of the day. The students will be from across our degree courses, from acting through to production arts, to ensure that the skills passed on are current and from the best possible source.
Whether your aim is to improve your acting skills, learn a new design skill, or simply to have fun and make friends, you will receive a warm welcome at BOVTS Young Artists!
Is it for me?
BOVTS Young Artists is aimed at young people with creative spark. We aim to offer experiences in all areas of theatre making to give students an idea of how productions work in the professional world. We do this in an inclusive, fun atmosphere utilizing the talents of our current students who are soon to be professionals themselves.
Do I need any previous experience?
No, all we ask is that you are willing to give stuff a go.
What do we do?
Each term we will look at a different story or stimulus and invent a short performance around it using exercises seen on our full time courses. All students get involved with script writing, costume design, prop building, directing, stage managing and of course acting.
Will we use a script?
There may be some script or text to look at which will inspire our story. You also may be asked to write some script yourself. But mostly, we play and improvise. If working with text is a concern for you, please let us know, and we can make sure that these aspects of the classes are made accessible for you.
Do you run a financial assistance scheme?
Those who enrol on the Young Artists programme may be eligible for financial assistance through our bursary scheme. Please read our bursary policy for further details.
If you wish to cancel your place on the course, you will receive a full refund if you notify the school at least 7 days prior to the start of the course. For cancellations, contact [email protected]
Bursary applications for BOVTS Young Artists Spring Term 2024 and BOVTS Young Conservatoire are now open. Applications will close at 4 PM on Friday 27 October 2023. Please fill the relevant form below to be considered for a bursary.
We will review all applications in the week commencing 30 October and aim to get back to you that week with our decision.
1. When do bursary applications open for each term?
The dates for bursary applications for the Sunday Young Artists scheme are below:
Spring Term 2024: 2 Oct 2023 – 27 Oct 2023
Summer Term 2024: 15 Jan 2024 – 16 Feb 2024
2. I have been allocated a bursary before, do I need to reapply for next term?
If you are currently in receipt of a bursary and your circumstances haven’t changed, you will not need to complete a bursary application form again, but you will need to let us know you wish to be considered for a bursary next term. To do this, please email [email protected] expressing your wish for your bursary to be reviewed for next term.
3. I have been allocated a bursary before, will it be the same amount if I apply again next term?
As we take on new submissions for bursaries each term, the amount you are allocated each term is liable to change. We will inform you of any changes in the amount once all bursaries have been allocated for a term.
4. I have been allocated a bursary, how long do I have before I need to let you know if I will be taking it?
You will have a period of 14 days after the bursary has been allocated to accept it.
5. I haven’t received a bursary before, how do I apply?
We will upload an application form on our website during the bursary application period. Please fill this form to be considered for a bursary.
Forms will be available in the Young Artists Bursaries section on the oldvic.ac.uk/young-artists page.
6. Will all applicants be allocated a bursary?
We will consider all applications sent via our website form and assess them against a set of criteria. However, we cannot guarantee that an applicant will be allocated a bursary.
Some of the assessment criteria we use include (but are not limited to):
> applicant in financial hardship
> disabled applicant
> applicant is from an area of low progression to higher education
> applicant is in care or is a care leaver
> applicant belongs to groups of people who are considered ‘hard to reach’
If you have any further questions, please contact [email protected].