Jay Faisca MFA Professional Acting

Jay Faisca

MFA Professional Acting


BOVTS: Buckingham in Henry VI: Days of Rebellion, Macbeth in Macbeth, M in Lungs, Sorin in The Seagull. Pre-BOVTS: Estragon in Waiting for Godot (Ophelia’s Jump),The Exonerated (Long Beach Shakepeare Company), Stanley Kowalski in A Streetcar Named Desire (The Lincoln Theatre), Usnavi in In The Heights (Sexson Theatre), Jud Fry in Oklahoma! (Downey Civic Light Operqa). Training: Bachelors of Music and Theatre (The Catholic University of America), Improv (Upright Citizens Brigade)

Embrace your individuality. The School is looking for each artist’s nuances and seeks to nurture and strengthen them when you study here. Éloïse Richmond, MA Screen Acting Student