Ricardo Hernandez-Morgan MFA Professional Acting

Ricardo Hernandez-Morgan

MFA Professional Acting


BOVTS: Macbeth in Macbeth, Vershinin/Solyony in The Three Sisters, Robyn in Meet Me At Dawn, Roland in Constellations, Leontes in The Winter’s Tale.

Pre-BOVTS: Mario in Aunt Julia & The Scripwriter (Main Street Theatre, USA).

Training outside BOVTS: Bachelor’s in Journalism (University of Texas at Austin)

Students developing and growing in confidence during their time here, seeing their work reaching professional standards in approach and execution; a student who intends to be a stage manager producing a wonderful sound design; a first year student making a lovely recording of a song for their recording project; tracking the careers of former students and seeing them be successful; being able to find a job opportunity for a recent graduate. Frank Bradley, Sound Tutor