Elspeth Goodman Production Arts BA

Elspeth Goodman

Elspeth Goodman (She/Her)

Production Arts BA

Elspeth is a 2023 graduate, specialising in stage management. During her time at the School, she has found a love for children’s theatre as well as working with circus performers. She is looking forward to continuing her work in the industry after working as Assistant Stage Manager on Taunton Brewhouse’s The Little Prince in christmas 2022.

BOVTS credits:

Deputy Stage Manager Jumpers for Goalposts (Wardrobe Theatre), Emilia (Circomedia)

Assistant Stage Manager Loam (Bristol Old Vic)

Stage Manager The Donkey’s Tale (TIE Tour), Out of Love and Holes (Wardrobe Theatre)

Script Supervisor Chore Chart (Christchurch Studios)


Loam - Terrariums

These terrariums were made for Loam, a eco-comedy about plants taking over the human world.

Olivia Jameson, designed three terrariums to be used as set pieces. Using her designs – and the frames made by the props department – I used a mixture of fake plants to create the small magical arrangements seen inside.

Photo Credit:  Craig Fuller

Troilus and Cressida - Snake Mascot

This snake puppet was made as part of a mascot costume for an American high school-inspired adapatation of Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida.

Designed by Tish Mantripp, the snake was made from beautiful Lycra fabric, and is intended to be worn as a harness under a suit.

Photography credit: Craig Fuller

Students relaxing outside of the School
The School is in a beautiful part of Bristol, overlooking a huge park called the Downs. We sometimes take advantage of our close proximity to the Downs during the summer term, practising fight and dance routines, or voice or singing classes! Dan Hall, BA Professional Acting student