Jules Verne’s Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea 'Are you up for the voyage?'

Jules Verne’s Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea

Online premiere

Key Information
  • Dates Fri 28 May 2021 - Fri 11 Jun 2021
  • Location Online premiere
  • First broadcast

    2pm, 28 May

  • Running time

    1hr 18 minutes approx.

'Are you up for the voyage?'

Adapted and directed by Toby Hulse

Suitable for all ages

Far beneath the surface of the sea glides the submarine, Nautilus, commanded by the enigmatic Nemo.  But is the mysterious captain an eco-warrior or a twisted madman?  Could he even be both?

Featuring lost underwater cities, ferocious sharks, and a terrifying giant squid, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea is a rip-roaring adventure for all the family, inspired by Jules Verne’s science-fiction masterpiece.

Warning: Contains Flashing Lights

Please note that this production will be available to stream for two weeks after the premiere.

Image credit: Anderson Design Group Inc. All rights reserved. www.ADGstore.com

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Tom Atkinson as Seaman on the Moravian, Captain Farragut, Armourer on the Nautilus, Ship’s Boy on the Nautilus

Ajani Cabey as Telegraph Operator, Injured Submariner, Helmsman of the Moravian, Lookout on the Helvetia 

Carlie Diamond as Captain of the Moravian, Marie’s Mama, Curator of the Nautilus’ Art Gallery, Lookout on the Nautilus

Camila Eliot as Edmund Wilson, Reporter from the San Francisco Chronicle, Librarian on the Nautilus

Victoria Hoyle as Captain of the Helvetia, Hobson, Ship’s cook on the Nautilus 

Rebecca Hyde as Second Passenger on the Moravian, Reporter from the Baltimore Sun, Engineer on the Nautilus

Yazmin Kayani as Captain Nemo

Rhea Norwood as First Passenger on the Moravian, Reporter from the Washington Post, The Statue of Liberty,  Navigator on the Nautilus

Anna Tutton as Marie

Luke Taylor Uttley as Ned Land

Ruby Ward as Robert Falcon Scott, Reporter from the New York Times, Sailor on the Abraham Lincoln, Nemo’s Cabin Crew on the Nautilus, Nurse on the Nautilus 

Joe Welch as Professor Aronnax, Trailer Voiceover 

Josh Williams as Conseil

Creative Team

Adapted & Directed by Toby Hulse

Assistant Director William Byam Shaw

Design Tutor Angela Davies

Designer & Prop-Costume Maker Maria Terry

Sound Designer Tom Codd

Production Manager Ed Wilson

Assistant Production Manager Leila Glen

Stage Management Tutors Alix Abram, Rosie Girratana, Ruth Sidery

Production Administrator & Script Supervisor Madeleine Coward

Assistant Script Supervisors Hannah Bracegirdle, Karris Holm, Frances Pilsworth & Martin White

Floor Manager Kizzie Tims

Assistant Floor Manager Karris Holm

Covid Supervisors Alice Dillon, Beshlie Thorp

Scenic Crafts Tutor Meriel Pym

Props Supervisor Holly Stevens

Prop Makers Neamh Campbell, Danni Davis, Frankie Dowers, Karris Holm, Frances Pilsworth & Martin White

Head of Costume Jill Blundell

Costume Supervisor  Summer York

Sparks Karris Holm, Kizzie Tims

Sound Assistant Cat Simpson

Zoom Recordists Frances Ashton, Matilda Bradley, Hannah Bracegirdle, Karris Holm, Elliot Paris-Hamilton, Frances Pilsworth & Martin White

Editing Supervisor Joe Stathers

Editor Hannah Bracegirdle

Editing Assistants Jamie Craker, Kizzie Tims

Captioner Chantel Blackwood

Captioning Assistant Spencer Cash-Archer

Marketing Manager Matt Carmichael

Marketing Officer George Spender

Twenty Thousand Leagues Podcast

Students drinking coffee in Clifton Village
The training provided by the MFA programme is superb. The depth with which we explore, paired with unyielding curiosity that is met with the most knowledgeable, passionate, expert tutors is what makes BOVTS programme one of the finest around. I feel honoured to call BOVTS my grad school. Rachel McVay, MA Professional Acting Student