3rd April 2020
BA (Hons) Professional Acting auditions
Bristol Old Vic Theatre School’s Acting Department has changed all auditions to online as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. All applicants will have received notification of the change to the selection procedure.
We wish to reassure all applicants that this change will still maintain the rigour of selection that you would expect of BOVTS.
All self-tapes submitted by the Monday 6 April 23:59 pm (GMT) deadline will be viewed by our full-time teaching staff in the first instance; applicants successful at that stage will then have a further online audition and interview with the Head of Acting Courses and the Artistic Director.
You will be notified by email of the outcome of your audition in the usual way. We hope you will appreciate that feedback is not possible under the present circumstances given the high volume of tapes.
You will be aware that our usual face-to-face audition process has changed in response to the Government’s guidance. Our selection criteria have not changed and we continue to select students with the most potential from across the community. Please be assured that equal consideration will be given to those who audition by self-tape as to those who were able to audition at the School before the pandemic.