María-José Zyga MFA Professional Acting

María-José Zyga

MFA Professional Acting


BOVTS: Lady Macbeth in Macbeth, Masha in Three Sisters, Robyn in Meet Me at Dawn

Pre-BOVTS: Kit in Survival Box (Feature Film), Rae-Yuna in Dr. Rees Ziti’s Pageant… (ARS NOVA/ANT Fest), D in Polaroid Stories (NYU Tisch), Ariel in The Tempest and Launcelot Gobbo in The Merchant of Venice (both at RADA).

Training outside BOVTS: BFA in Drama (NYU Tisch School of the Arts), RADA Short Course, Springboard NYC (American Theatre Wing)

Students developing and growing in confidence during their time here, seeing their work reaching professional standards in approach and execution; a student who intends to be a stage manager producing a wonderful sound design; a first year student making a lovely recording of a song for their recording project; tracking the careers of former students and seeing them be successful; being able to find a job opportunity for a recent graduate. Frank Bradley, Sound Tutor