Oliver James Parkins MFA Professional Acting

Oliver James Parkins

MFA Professional Acting


BOVTS: Cassius in Julius Caesar, Kulygin in Three Sisters, Robyn in Meet Me At Dawn.

Pre-BOVTS: Pantalone in The Servant of Two Masters, Thomas Stockmann in An Enemy of the People, and Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet (all with Theatre Erindale).

Training outside BOVTS: Diploma in Acting Performance (Sheridan College), HBA: Theatre and Drama Studies (University of Toronto).

One of my favourite parts about BOVTS is that it feels ‘homegrown’. From the set to the costume, lighting, acting and sound, every single aspect of a theatre production or film is down to the students. The location of Clifton is so serene and the School being so small everyone knows each other and it feels so personal and special. Violet Morris, BA Professional Acting Student